August 2023 -The Seven Valleys

Steam Train Lithgow

“I asked you guys to improve the content, and you have delivered”

Simon Francis, Tourism Manager Lithgow City Council Seven Valleys Visitor Centre on signing a new 5 year agreement 9 August 2023.

It is our great pleasure to build exciting new content for the Lithgow (Seven Valleys)

Visitor Centre. After almost two decades of continuous service there was so much

we had not discovered about this amazing area from cool climate gardens at 1100m

to spectacular wilderness and the Wollemi World Heritage site. Great timing with the

opening of the famous Zig Zag railway after a decade or more undergoing compliance

measures. Over 100 business joining the network, including Gang Gang Gallery,

Hillbilly Cider, The Foundations Portland, Turon Gates, The Hive, The 7 Valleys Hotel,

the Lithgow Arts Trail, Bilpin Cider, Bilpin Fruit Bowl, Dryridge Estate, Windyridge

Garden, Capertee Valley Helicopters, Zig Zag Railway a masterpiece of engineering

in 1868, and many more.

Paul Buckley CEO