May 2022 - Upgrades across the Nation

Over the last 2 months and another 2 to come I have been catching up with Visitor Centre managers Nationally. Starting in QLD, NSW, ACT, Victoria, Tasie, SA and now WA myself and the team here and in the office have put in some long hours and plenty of kilometres catching up after COVID. For most areas I have spoken with this has been a massive school holiday result, and nomads (not necessarily grey) are out both south and north as the north is already full.
The sites are too many to list however the last month through SA we caught up at Port MacDonnell, Robe, Goolwa, Victor Harbor, Gawler, Barossa, Clare, Kadina, Port Augusta, Wyalla, Port Lincoln, Streaky Bay, Ceduna, and now in WA Norseman and Esperance.

As you can see from the photo, we almost decided that Esperance is where we would stay. Fortunately the rain came so we are now heading across and up. Doing the lap for the first time in its entirety is a big mission, but there is no other way to catch up after the lockdowns from COVID. It is a great opportunity we have embraced, decking out a mobile office although the lithium batteries need work.
Back home, we continue our COVID rebound and are working on Deloraine and Sheffield in Tasmania and Lithgow in NSW. Finalising Broken Hill in NSW and Robe in SA. Up soon we have Mansfield and Halls Gap in Victoria and a string of new sites in Tasmania including Devonport and St Helens.
We look forward to updating WA, NT and Queensland with the borders allowing free travel over the coming quarter.
Enjoy our wonderful country, Paul Buckley CEO